Perancangan Video Promosi Kamila Wardrobe

Fatya Amaliyah, Rully Moenadir, Rian Guntoro



Clothing has existed since ancient times. At that time the clothes that only functioned as body armor underwent changes both in terms of shape, material and color. Along with the development of the times, the world of textiles is increasingly affecting the behavior of a person's lifestyle, now clothes have also turned into fashion. Rapid technological developments have also changed people's perspectives and lifestyles in carrying out daily activities, along with this, new services and cultures have emerged through internet media supported by smart phones, one of which is online shopping. Kamila Wardrobe took this opportunity to expand their wings through video on all the social media platforms they used.

Key Words: textiles, fashion, material and color



Pakaian sudah ada sejak zaman purbakala. Pada saat itu pakaian yang hanya berfungsi sebagai pelindung tubuh mengalami perubahan baik dari segi bentuk, bahan maupun warna. Seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman, dunia tekstil semakin mempengaruhi perilaku gaya hidup seseorang, kini pakaianpun beralih fungsi menjadi fashion. Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat juga telah mengubah cara pandang dan pola hidup masyarakat dalam menjalani aktivitas sehari-hari, beriringan dengan hal tersebut, muncul layanan-layanan dan budaya baru melalui media internet yang didukung oleh ponsel pintar, salah satunya yaitu berbelanja online. Kamila Wardrobe memanfaatkan kesempatan tersebut untuk melebarkan sayap melalui video promosi pada seluruh platform media sosial yang mereka gunakan.

Kata Kunci: tekstil, fashion, warna dan material


Fashion., Internet., Kamila's Wardrobe., Promotional Videos., Social Media.



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