Inter Script : Journal of Creative Communication

Inter Script: Journal of Creative Communication was launched in 2019 and is published by STIKOM Inter Studi, Jakarta. Inter Script is a peer review, open access and scholarly journal that provides an interdisciplinary forum for research on communication studies. This journal publishes twice a year (March and September). The objective of this journal is to encourage research related but not limited to:

1. Public relations. Communication that engages strategic message to build image and reputation.

2. Advertising. Communication that attaches promoting value, product, service and creative idea in public

3. Broadcasting. Distribution of audio or video message via any electronic mass communication medium.

4. Business communication. The exchange of information and message in the context of business and to achieve company goal.

DOI: 10.33376/is.v1i1


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Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Inter Script : Journal of Creative Communication

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